Know Your Deeper Why

My husband and I are both taking on a lot with our work and with life in general right now. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, or we feel tired, or we feel scared … any number of feelings of resistance can arise and we want to throw in the towel!

Last night we had a great conversation with each other in which we talked about our deeper “why’s”. Why are we doing the things we are doing? What’s the motivation? Is it coming from a place of integrity with our heart’s desires?

As we each got in touch with the essence of why our actions are so important to us, we both felt once again aligned with our inspiration. Those deeper why’s ground us in our sense of purpose and energize us to keep doing what we are doing because it’s what we truly want.

Knowing your deeper “why” is one of my favorite habit evolution strategies. When you find yourself experiencing some form of resistance on your growth path, take time to check back in with WHY you’ve chosen the path you are on. You may just find that it re-ignites your motivation and opens up the flow of your dynamic, inspired energy once again!


Focus On Your Systems for Actual Change